Hills: Meall an Fheur Loch, Meallan a’Chuail and Beinn Leoid
Date: Sunday 20th April 2008
Company: Myself and Beinn
Time: 5hrs 30mins

Parked at the side of the A838 road, about 100m up the road from the start of the stalker’s path at NC357334. Room for two or three cars. Crossed the small wooden bridge over the Allt Ceann Locha and immediately began the ascent via the stalker’s path.

Starting point and initial ascent:

During the initial ascent, I enjoyed terrific views back across the A838 road to hills including: Arkle, Foinaven, Meall Horn, Meallan Liath Coire Mhic Dhughaill and Ben Hee. Ben Hope and Ben Loyal were also just visible.

Looking directly across to Meallan Liath Coire Mhic Dhughaill:

Looking down to Kinloch and beyond to the Foinaven hills:

At NC355320 I left the stalker’s path and continued up easy grass slopes towards the summit of the first hill of the day.

Meall an Fheur Loch. Looking up Meall an Fheur Loch:

The summit of Meall an Fheur Loch is just off the edge of Landranger Map No.15.

Beinn at summit of Meall an Fheur Loch with Ben Stack in distance:

From the summit of Meall an Fheur Loch we headed between Loch Cul a’ Mhill and Loch lol-ghaoith. The stream between the two lochs isn’t wide and is easy to cross.

Meallan a’Chuail from lower slopes of Meall an Fheur Loch:

From the two lochs, the ascent of Meallan a’Chuail is straightforward. The upper section of the wide ridge has some rocky sections which can be easily avoided.

Looking up wide ridge of Meallan a’Chuail:

During the ascent of Meallan a’Chuail I got fine views of Beinn Leoid’s Northern cliffs.

Beinn Leoid from Meallan a’Chuail:

The final stretch to the summit was through very soft snow which thankfully was not very deep. On reaching the summit we stopped for a quick bite to eat and I took a photo looking over Meallan a’Chuail’s steep East-face, looking down to Lochain Meallan a’Chuail.

From the summit of Meallan a’Chuail we headed West down slopes of soft snow to the bealach above Loch Dubh.

Beinn Leoid from descent of Meallan a’Chuail:

From the bealach the ascent of Beinn Leoid is very straightforward, up gentle grassy slopes.

Upper section of Beinn Leoid:

The final stretch was a bit of a slog, due to more very soft snow. Was glad to reach the summit trig point where we were rewarded with fine views of the Assynt hills.

Beinn at summit of Beinn Leoid (with Quinag in background):

From the summit, we returned to the bealach between Beinn Leoid and Meallan a’Chuail and descended to Loch Dubh where we picked up the stalker’s path that goes to Lochmore Side. The stalker’s path isn’t that great, however, it is much better than the peat hags alongside it. The path runs alongside the Allt Srath nan Aisinnin which has a nice waterfall with the summit of Beinn Leoid just visible above it.

We made the mistake of following this stalker’s path a bit too far before leaving the path to ascend to the bealach between Meall na Leitreach and Meallan a’Chuail. This meant we had lots of lovely peat hags to cross. After crossing these peat hags we rejoined the stalker’s path leading back to the A838 road, where the car was parked.

Would recommend combining Meall an Fheur Loch and Meallan a’Chuail with Beinn Leoid for a much more interesting and longer day out. These hills are dog friendly - no fences or sheep.