Hill: Beinn a'Chaisteil
Date: Thursday 24th April 2008
Company: Myself and Beinn
Time: 5hrs 30mins

Parked at Black Bridge where there is off-road parking for several cars.

Parking area at Black Bridge:

Walked North along the private tarmac road from Black Bridge up Strath Vaich. Passed lots of sheep and a number of cattle during the initial few kilometres.

Highland Coos on walk in to Loch Vaich:

On reaching a weir and bridge we left the tarmac road continuing along rough land-rover track towards the start of Loch Vaich.

Looking across to Strathvaich Lodge:

After ascending 50m or so, I got my first views of Loch Vaich.

Looking down Loch Vaich:

During the walk down Loch Vaich, Meall an Ghrianain and Beinn a'Chaisteil are on your right.

Looking up to Beinn a'Chaisteal (L) and Meall an Ghrianain (R) from Loch Vaich:

With Beinn running along in front, and me failing miserably to keep up, it didn't take long for us to reach the bothies at Lubachlaggan.

Bothies at Lubachlaggan:

From Lubachlaggan we ascended on the left-side of the burn heading up towards Beinn a'Chaisteil. This was a relentless ascent of circa 400m before things began to level out on approaching a route-marker cairn.

Cairn en-route to Beinn a'Chaisteil:

The next kilometre or so to the summit was nice and gentle.

Beinn at summit of Beinn a'Chaisteil:

Views across to Seana Bhraigh:

Views across to Carn Ban:

We returned as per the in-bound route. On reaching the Highland Coos they had crossed the stream and were all now lying on the ground next to the tarmac road. We skirted the path to avoid the majority of them but still had to pass within a few feet of one or two of them.

Highland Coo (not zoomed):