Hill: Ladylea Hill
Date: Friday 28th January 2011
Company: Myself, Beinn and Becky

I first ascended Ladylea Hill with Beinn back in December 2008. I ascended this hill again today with Becky in almost identical weather and ground conditions.

I thought this hill would make a good introduction to >2000ft hills. Ladylea hill is the lowest of all the Fionas and from the start to the summit it is only 0.7 miles - it is however reasonably steep for little legs and the heather is quite deep.
Edit: Ladylea Hill is no longer a Fiona. It has been found to actually be <2000ft.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

We entered the grassy field via the gate at the start and made our way towards the gate at the top of the field.

Becky at start of Ladylea Hill:

Beyond the gate, we followed the line of grouse butts up the hill, sticking where possible to lines of burnt heather.

Becky at the first Grouse Butt:

The grouse butts provided some entertainment. We had to visit each one during the ascent.

Hiding from dad:

Looking back towards start:

Becky throwing a snowball at me:


Becky made it to the summit under her own steam. It was quite chilly as we approached the summit, so Becky was happy to put on a second pair of gloves and a turtleneck.

Becky and Beinn approaching summit:

Becky and Beinn at summit of Ladylea Hill:

Dad your gloves are too big for me :

View from summit:

We returned to the car via the same route.