Hill: Carn Loch nan Amhaichean
Date: Saturday 4th February 2012
Company Just myself
Distance: 17.3km, Ascent: 590m
Time: 4Hrs 15Mins

The forecast for Saturday was not good – gusts to 75mph and frequent rain/snow showers. I therefore decided to undertake an easy ascent of Carn Loch nan Amhaichean, leaving its neighbour Beinn nan Eun for another day.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

I parked beside the bridge opposite the Inchbae Lodge Hotel.

Start of track along Strath Rannoch:

The walk along Srath Rannoch was pleasant – no sign of strong wind or rain/snow.

Abhainn Srath Rannoch:

Despite the track being fairly icy, I had no problem walking along in summer boots without crampons or microspikes. Meall a'Ghrianain is very prominent during the walk-in.

Icy track through Strath Rannoch:

View from Strath Rannoch:

I got my first views of Carn Loch nan Amhaichean just a few hundred metres before reaching Strathrannoch.

Carn Loch nan Amhaichean:

Strathrannoch below Meall a'Ghrianain:

On reaching Strathrannoch, I crossed the bridge over the Allt a'Choire-rainich and then followed a very icy path alongside the Allt a'Choire-rainich for circa 1km.

Ascending track alongside the Allt a'Choire-rainich:

Looking back to Strath Rannoch:

The crossing of the Allt a'Choire-rainich was probably a little harder than usual owing to ice.

Icy crossing of the Allt a'Choire-rainich:

Once across the burn, it was a pleasant straight-forward ascent up Carn Loch nan Amhaichean.

Ascending Carn Loch nan Amhaichean:

During the ascent, I made for a large erratic before continuing on up the hill.

Large erratic on Carn Loch nan Amhaichean:

On reaching a height of 650m, I reached another large erratic.

Meall a'Ghrianain and Beinn a'Chaisteil and another large erratic:

I was now feeling the strong winds that were forecast and could see some very dark clouds heading my way.

Summit cairn in distance:

I took a few photos at the summit before heading back down the hill. The summit is the smaller of the two cairns.

Two summit cairns:

The rain started as I made my way down the hill. By the time I reached the track it was really chucking it down and by the time I got back to the car I was drenched. Was nice to get back to the Aultguish Inn in plenty of time to watch rugby.