Hills: Carn na Caim, Meall a’Chaorainn, A’Bhuidheanach Bheag and Glas Mheall Mor
Date: Saturday 28th April 2012
Company: Myself and Beinn
Distance: 24.6km, Ascent: 1050m
Time: 6Hrs 15Mins

A second-round ascent of Carn na Caim and A’Bhuidheanach Bheag has been in the planning for several weeks. As well as ascending Carn na Caim and A’Bhuidheanach Bheag - both current Munros, my aim today was to also ascend Meall a’Chaorainn and Glas Mheall Mor – both Munros in Hugh Munro’s original 1891 list. Glas Mheall Mor is now a Munro Top.

I last ascended Carn na Caim and A’Bhuidheanach Bheag in May 2000.

I set off from home around 08:00 and arrived at Drumochter by 09:45 – a relatively short journey compared with some recent, and some forthcoming, trips. I parked in the large lay-by across the road from the hills.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

I set off with Beinn along the wide vehicle track which ascends to > 900m.

Looking across A9 to West Drumochter hills:

Looking back towards Dalwhinnie:

Ascending track between Carn na Caim and A’Bhuidheanach Bheag:

Carn na Caim:

The ascent was not that interesting until I spotted a Golden Plover. It was kind enough to stay relatively still just long enough for me to get a couple of photos.

Golden Plover:

Golden Plover (full zoom):

From c.750m upwards, the track was filled with snow – this pleased Beinn.


It was nice to get views across to Ben Alder during the ascent. A re-ascent of Ben Alder is definitely on my to-do list too.

West Drumochter Munros and Ben Alder:

Ben Alder (zoom):

After reaching the 902m top, I made my way across to Carn na Caim, via the 914m top. As I walked along the track a nice wee plane flew overhead.

Small plane (full zoom):

Heading for Carn na Caim:

On approaching Carn na Caim, I met six people going the opposite way. I found it a bit amusing when one asked if my dog was ok, re-assured me that “I didn’t have far to reach the summit” and questioned, was I also doing “the other one” .

I didn’t spend long at the summit.

Beinn at the summit of Carn na Caim:

I was quite surprised at how much snow there is again on the Cairngorms!

Snow-plastered Cairngorms (zoom):

From Carn na Caim, I returned the same way as far as the 902m top. I then made my way across to A’Bhuidheanach Bheag via A’Bhuidheanach (879m).

Heading for A’Bhuidheanach Bheag:

Heading for A’Bhuidheanach Bheag:

While ascending A’Bhuidheanach Bheag, I decided to head for Meall a’Chaorainn first.

Approaching Meall a’Chaorainn:

Just below the summit of Meall a’Chaorainn I spotted a Wheatear. Beinn started to prowl like a cat towards it, but I think he forgot that he was on a lead and soon got jerked back and told to behave.

Wheatear (full zoom):

I was quite impressed with the views from Meall a’Chaorainn. It is definitely a better viewpoint that A’Bhuidheanach Bheag.

I’m not sure why Hugh Munro made this one a Munro – I assume due to mapping inaccuracies of the time. It doesn’t even feel like the top of a hill.

View from summit of Meall a’Chaorainn:

Loch Garry from Meall a’Chaorainn:

From Meall a’Chaorainn, I made my way across to A’Bhuidheanach Bheag via the un-named 936m top.

A’Bhuidheanach Bheag from 936m top:

After a quick photo stop, we made our way towards Glas Mheall Mor.

Beinn at the summit of A’Bhuidheanach Bheag:

The expanse of land between A’Bhuidheanach Bheag and Glas Mheall Mor is quite rough-going with lots of peat.

Approaching Glas Mheall Mor:

Coire Mhic-sith:

Was nice to reach the summit of Glas Mheall Mor – my second deleted 1891 Munro of the day – only 10 more original 1891 Munros left to do!

Beinn at the summit of Glas Mheall Mor:

The return to A’Bhuidheanach Mhor was not pleasant – lots of peat but thankfully quite firm.

Peat traverse:

Despite some threatening rain clouds, it stayed dry throughout.

Approaching rain?:

Another good day out .