Hills: Stob an Eas and Cruach nam Mult
Date: Saturday 2nd June 2012
Company: Just myself

On Saturday, it was nice to have to travel only five miles to reach my walk starting point. I parked in Hell’s Glen a short distance beyond the 219m spot height. There is room for several cars at the start beside the track gates on each side of the road.

I chose to ascend Stob an Eas first. A nice early start saw me on the hill by 06:50.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

Start of walk (Hell’s Glen):

The track through the forest was fairly good as far as its end-point, as marked on the OS map. Beyond that, I continued to follow a lower-quality track, for circa 1km, until reaching an area next to a burn providing access to the hill.

Track through the forest:

Stob an Eas from forest exit:

Once clear of the forest, the ascent of Stob an Eas was fairly steep. I picked a line up through some crags following a grassy rib.

Ascending Stob an Eas:

On reaching the North-West shoulder of the hill, the ascent was less steep and quite pleasant.

View towards Loch Goil:

It was nice to see Inverary for the first time, which I visited later in the day.

Inverary across Loch Fyne:

Inverary (zoom):

From the North-West shoulder, it didn’t take long to reach the summit.

Ascending Stob an Eas:

Approaching the summit of Stob an Eas:

I was at the summit of the hill by 08:20. I can’t recall previously seeing two trig points at a summit, one still standing and one toppled.

Two trig points at the summit:

From the summit, I returned to the car via the same route.

Looking back to Stob an Eas:

After a short break back at the car, I crossed the road to also ascend Cruach nam Mult.

Start of walk (Hell’s Glen):

The track through the forest towards Cruach nam Mult was not as good as the track leading towards Stob an Eas.

Track through forest:

On reaching the end of the track, as marked on the OS map, I followed a faint track heading uphill through the forest.

Track beyond main forest track:

The track follows a burn up the hill.

Ascending through forest alongside burn:

It was nice to get clear of the forest onto the open hillside.

Forest exit:

The ascent of Cruach nam Mult was less steep than the ascent of neighbouring Stob an Eas – a pleasant ascent up grassy slopes.

Cruach nam Mult:

On reaching a series of wooden poles, I followed them towards the summit of Cruach nam Mult.

Following poles to the summit:

Following poles to the summit:

View from Cruach nam Mult:

I visited a couple of summit bumps as I wasn’t sure which was highest. There is no 10 figure grid reference or summit feature listed for this hill on the Database of British Hills.

View from Cruach nam Mult:

View from summit of Cruach nam Mult:

From the summit of Cruach nam Mult, I returned to the car via the same route.

I got back to the car by 12:30 allowing plenty of time to visit Inverary and to relax in the sun .