Hills: Sgurr Eilde Mor and Sgor Eilde Beag
Date: Friday 14th September 2018
Company: Just Myself
Distance: 18km, Ascent: 1430m
Time: 6Hrs 50Mins

I set off this morning to ascend Sgurr Eilde Mor from Kinlochleven. Waterproofs were on from the outset; the forecast was for strong winds and rain showers throughout the day. I last ascended Sgurr Eilde Mor in 2003 along with Na Gruagaichean, Binnein Mor and Binnein Beag, and was last in Kinlochleven ten years ago thus a visit was long overdue.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

From my overnight parking spot, I walked through Kinlochleven before taking the Right of Way track leading towards Spean Bridge.

River Leven, Kinlochleven:

The ascent up through the forest of Oak, Birch, Beech and Rowan was pleasant albeit it was a tad wet underfoot. There was no chance of losing the track today as it was marked with tape and hundreds of small red flags for the Glencoe Skyline race.

It was however nice to exit the forest to get the wonderful views looking down to Kinlochleven and along Loch Leven. The Pap of Glencoe was very prominent.

Looking back to Kinlochleven and Loch Leven:

As I made my way towards Sgurr Eilde Mor, I decided to follow the track running alongside Loch Eilde Mor during the way in and follow the higher track skirting Sgor Eilde Beag on the way out.

Following the track towards Loch Eilde Mor:

On the track alongside Loch Eilde Mor:

On reaching the small cairn marking the start of the ascent track I began my ascent towards Sgurr Eilde Mor. The weather was improving as the day progressed but this would soon change!

Looking back towards the Aonach Eagach ridge:

It was nice to see Sgurr Eilde Mor come into view as it is hidden behind Sgor Eilde Beag during much of the walk.

Sgurr Eilde Mor:

On reaching the Allt Riabhach, I followed the zig-zagging track uphill on its left bank.

Allt Riabhach:

On reaching level ground I crossed the Allt Riabhach at the outflow of the loch and then commenced my ascent of Sgurr Eilde Mor. I soon had to stop to put away my baseball cap as it was repeatedly blowing off in the wind.

Sgurr Eilde Mor:

The lochan between Sgurr Eilde Mor and Sgor Eilde Beag is beautiful. Sgor Eilde Beag is not a Munro Top of Sgurr Eilde Mor but is a Munro Top of Binnein Mor.

Looking across to Sgor Eilde Beag and Binnein Mor during ascent of Sgurr Eilde Mor:

My route of ascent involved crossing several patches of boulders. Despite the boulders this is a more pleasant route of ascent compared with the tourist route of scree and erosion.

Final ascent of Sgurr Eilde Mor:

On reaching the summit I took a few photos before continuing on my way. It was too windy to hang around.

View from the summit of Sgurr Eilde Mor:

From the summit, I descended via the eroded scree track back down towards the lochan.

View from just below the summit of Sgurr Eilde Mor:

Sgor Eilde Beag:

During the descent I decided to also ascend Sgor Eilde Beag.

Heading for Sgor Eilde Beag:

During my ascent of Sgor Eilde Beag, the weather deteriorated. I would now be walking in constant rain for the next two hours.

Final ascent leading to Sgor Eilde Beag:

The view from Sgor Eilde Beag is nice providing a different persective of the beautiful lochan.

Sgurr Eilde Mor from Sgor Eilde Beag:

Looking back to Sgor Eilde Beag during descent:

During the walk out, I stopped to chat with one of the marshals of the Glencoe Skyline race. Apparently the skyline option has been abandoned this year due to poor weather with a lower-level option taking place instead. I was passed several times by fell runners. Mad people (just jealous my knees couldn't take such a pounding these days!).

Kinlochleven and Loch Leven:

As I approached Kinlochleven, I decided to take a short detour to see the Grey Mare Waterfall. I was glad I did and it is worth seeing.

Grey Mare Waterfall (Click on photo to see brief video of waterfall):

It was nice to get back to the van and get off my soaking wet boots and clothes. I am hoping the weather will improve and not be as bad as forecast in the coming days.