Hills: Sgorr Dhearg, Sgorr Bhan and Sgorr Dhonuill (Beinn a' Bheithir)
Date: Friday 5th October 2018
Company: Sgorr Dhearg (with two lads from Aberdeen), Sgorr Bhan and Sgorr Dhonuill (just myself)
Distance: 14km, Ascent: 1455m
Time: 6Hrs 05Mins
On Friday morning I travelled from Glencoe to South
Ballachullish for an ascent of Beinn a' Bheithir. I parked in the Gleann a'
Chaolais car park before setting off along the forestry track.
Shortly after setting off I met a couple of lads from Aberdeen who I
walked with as far as the summit of Sgorr Dhearg. On reaching the waymarked
track junction we opted to take the track heading towards Sgorr Dhearg with
a view to gaining the ridge at the bealach between Sgorr Dhearg and Sgorr
The good quality track heading up through the forest is also waymarked.
Views are mostly non-existent while within the forest with the occasional
Heading for Beinn a' Bheithir:
Good quality tracks in the forest:
View during ascent through the forest:
Once out of the forest I followed the path leading to the bealach. The
SMC book suggests that in wet weather the upper part of this path becomes a
watercourse. The path is certainly not fantastic.
Ascent to the bealach:
On reaching the bealach I stopped for a drink before commencing my
ascent of Sgorr Dhearg. The weather thus far had been fairly good but
henceforth it would be mixed with spells of sunshine, rain showers and hail
Looking back from the bealach:
Looking back from the bealach:
Ascent of Sgorr Dhearg:
On reaching the summit of Sgorr Dhearg the views were limited. After
taking a photo of the two lads at the summit I said goodbye as I would next
ascend Sgorr Bhan, a Munro Top, while the two lads headed back to ascend
Sgorr Dhonuill.
Limited view from the summit of Sgorr Dhearg:
The ridge leading out to Sgorr Bhan was pleasant. It did not take long
to reach Sgorr Bhan.
Nice ridge leading out to Sgorr Bhan:
Heading out to Sgorr Bhan:
On reaching the summit of Sgorr Bhan I had to endure around ten minutes
of hail. Ten minutes later it was back to blue sky.
Hail shower at the summit of Sgorr Bhan:
The downside to this out and back route, as opposed to undertaking a
circuit, was the need to again summit Sgorr Dhearg. It was however worth
doing so as on gaining the summit for a second time there was less cloud and
improved views.
Heading back to Sgorr Dhearg:
Looking back towards Sgorr Bhan and the Pap of Glencoe:
While at the summit of Sgorr Dhearg for a second time I could see a
cloud depositing rain just a short distance away. Fortunately it passed by
without depositing any of its rain on me.
Weather front coming in while back at the summit of Sgorr Dhearg:
From the summit of Sgorr Dhearg I made my way back down to the bealach
before commencing my ascent of Sgorr Dhonuill. The cloud had now disappated
providing my first views of this shapely peak.
Looking across to Sgorr Dhonuill during descent of Sgorr Dhearg:
The ascent of Sgorr Dhonuill is a little steeper than the ascent of
Sgorr Dhearg but there are no difficulties until reaching the final steep,
rocky section.
Ascending Sgorr Dhonuill:
The final ascent of Sgorr Dhonuill looks quite imposing. It is however
easier than it looks but care is needed as in places a slip could prove
fatal. While ascending this final steep section I again met the two lads
from Aberdeen with whom I had walked earlier in the day.
Steep final ascent of Sgorr Dhonuilll:
As per my ascents of Sgorr Dhearg and Sgorr Bhan, on reaching the summit
of Sgorr Dhonuill it was capped in cloud providing zero views. I was lucky
to spot a Brocken Spectre but by the time I got out my phone to take a photo
it had vanished.
No views at the summit of Sgorr Dhonuill:
From the summit of Sgorr Dhonuill I returned to the bealach before returning
to the car via my inbound route. The descent from the bealach was not
pleasant as it was raining and indeed the path had become a stream. It was
nice to eventually get back into the forest and onto good track.