Hills: Bishop Wilton Wold
Date: Tuesday 16th October 2018
Company: Myself and Becky
Distance: 0.5km, Ascent: 10m
Time: 15Mins

On Tuesday morning, prior to spending a second day at Flamingoland, we set off to ascend one of the easiest of all Marilyns, Bishop Wilton Wold. This Marilyn did not warrant its own Trip Report so I have included its walk within that of the Cleveland Hills.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

To ascend Bishop Wilton Wold we parked in the lay-by next to the water treatment works, walked a short distance along the road and then entered a recently-ploughed potato field. We crossed the field heading for the clump of trees which is the summit of Bishop Wilton Wold. It is not possible to visit the nearby trig point as this lies within the water treatment works which has a locked gate and which is surrounded by a high fence.

Summit tumulus:

At the summit of Bishop Wilton Wold:

By the time we exited the field, during the walk back to the car, we had at least two inches of mud on our trainers. Not the most pleasant of ascents and not worth the effort of travelling here.

Hills: Drake Howe
Date: Thursday 18th October 2018
Company: Myself and Becky
Distance: 3.9km, Ascent: 175m
Time: 1Hr 15Mins

On Wednesday evening we drove to the Lordstones car park where we parked-up for the night. The following morning we set off around forty minutes before sunrise with a view to watching the sun come up from the summit of Drake Howe.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

From the car park, we returned to the road before following the sign waymarking the Cleveland Way.

Setting off for Drake Howe from Lordstones car park:

The tracks on these hills are excellent with numerous flagstones preventing erosion.

Becky about to ascend Drake Howe:

On leaving the van, the thermometer was advising it was 1C outside. It was a cold, frosty morning.

Flagstone path:

We didn't hang around during the ascent as we wanted to be at the summit for the sunrise. I timed the walk to ensure we were not waiting long at the summit.

At the viewpoint:

Despite not being a Marilyn, nearby Roseberry Topping is definitely my favourite of the hills climbed in recent days. It is a cracking wee hill.

Looking towards Roseberry Topping from viewpoint:

On reaching the large summit cairn we only had to spend five minutes awaiting the sunrise.

Awaiting sunrise at the summit of Drake Howe:

Sunrise at Drake Howe:

No matter how many sunrises and sunsets I witness, I never tire of them. This was Becky's first summit sunrise.

Sunrise from the summit of Drake Howe:

After witnessing the sunrise, we returned to the car via the same route.

Heading back:

Looking back towards the summit of Drake Howe:

On reaching the viewpoint we stopped to look at the plaque identifying various nearby landmarks. Cross Fell is mentioned which I coincidentally had ascended exactly one year ago to the day. Whernside is also mentioned which Becky has ascended previously.

Back at the viewpoint:

After ascending Drake Howe, I drove to the Clay Bank car park which unfortunately I could not enter due to the width of my van. I therefore parked in a lay-by near the start of the Cleveland Way track.

Hills: Round Hill
Date: Thursday 18th October 2018
Company: Myself and Becky
Distance: 6.2km, Ascent: 260m
Time: 1Hr 35Mins

For our ascent of Round Hill, we simply followed the Cleveland Way track from start to within a short distance of the summit. Again the track on this hill is of excellent quality.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

Frosty start ascending Round Hill:

During the ascent we encountered a group of three other walkers. One of the women was extremely loud, repeatedly shouting out to her two companions. We overtook them and got about 0.5km ahead of them but we still continously heard the woman's shouts. I felt like politely telling her to STFU.

Excellent track crossing Urra Moor:

Looking back:

As we walked across the moor towards the summit we passed countless Red Grouse, the most I have ever seen on any hill. On reaching the summit, I took a few photos before we returned to the car via the same route.

At the summit of Round Hill:

On getting back to the car, I drove to Commondale for an ascent of our third and final Cleveland Hill of the day, Gisborough Moor.

Hills: Gisborough Moor
Date: Thursday 18th October 2018
Company: Myself and Becky
Distance: 7.6km, Ascent: 150m
Time: 1Hr 35Mins

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

We set off from Commondale following a Private Road which leads to within metres of the summit.

Setting off from Commondale:

We passed numerous snap-traps during the walk, numerous grouse-feed trays and several sections of heather in the process of being burned. The land here was obviously grouse-moor estate where animals that pose a threat to grouse are killed. I have little time for such estates which are particularly prolific in Aberdeenshire and the Scottish Borders back home.

Heather-burning ahead:

The walk was pleasant apart from where the heather was being burned. We covered our mouths and noses for a short time in-bound and out-bound to avoid breathing in too much smoke.

Heading towards the smoke:

The summit area is very flat and expansive. We therefore followed Viewranger to the the ten-figure summit grid reference as detailed in the Database of British Hills.

At the summit of Gisborough Moor:

Heather-burning (zoom):

From the summit, we returned to the van via the same route. Despite these hills being fairly low and rounded they do make for pleasant walking via some excellent tracks.

If visiting this area with a view to ascending a single hill, forget the Marilyns, Roseberry Topping is the one worth doing.