Hill: Common Hill
Date: Friday 14th May 2021
Company: Myself and Kate
Distance: 8.6km, Ascent: 250m
Time: 1Hrs 55Mins

En-route to Dumfries this afternoon, we stopped to ascend a small Marilyn near the town of Douglas. After parking at West Douglas, we set off along the windfarm track which continues all the way to the summit of Common Hill.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

During the initial ascent, we passed a section with new turbines under construction.

Turbines under construction:

As per a windfarm located in the Ochils hills, this windfarm also has a speed limit of 19mph. I have no idea why 19mph and not 20mph. Bizzare!

Why a 19mph speed limit?

Walking through windfarms is never my favourite kind of walking but as I have a current ankle injury the excellent track made walking much easier than trackless ascents and awful terrain. During the ascent we spotted a couple of Buzzards and a Pipit.

Turbines everywhere:

We reached the summit in just under an hour. After talking a few photos we returned to the car via the same route.

Looking towards the trig point and beyond to Tinto from the summit of Common Hill:

Trig point near the summit of Common Hill:

Good to get back onto the hills.