Hills: Dugland, Keoch Rig and Windy Standard
Date: Sunday 16th May 2021
Company: Myself and Kate
Distance: 24km, Ascent: 675m
Time: 5Hrs 55Mins

This morning we set off from our base in Dumfries to Glen Afton for an ascent of the Fiona, Windy Standard, and two previously unclimbed Donald Tops, Dugland and Keoch Rig. Dugland was reinstated as a Donald Top on 18th February 2021. Completing these Donald Tops would leave me with only six to ascend to complete all Donalds and Tops.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

From the parking area at the end of the Afton Reservoir, we set off walking along the road before following a wet path uphill to reach the windfarm track beyond. During the initial ascent we passed a knoll and some interesting boulders.

Upright boulder spotted during initial ascent from car park:

Once onto the windfarm track we opted to take a somewhat indirect route of ascent by following the windfarm tracks to just below the summit of Windy Standard.

En-route to Windy Standard:

As we approached the summit of Windy Standard, I continued on alone to also ascend Dugland and Keoch Rig. It was originally my intention to ascend Dugland out and back from Windy Standard and then Keoch Rig out and back from Windy Standard. However, as I progressed towards Dugland, I decided to instead undertake a loop ascending Windy Standard after Dugland and Keoch Rig.

Heading for Dugland:

It didn't take long to reach the summit of Dugland thanks to the excellent quality windfarm tracks.

At the summit of Dugland:

From the summit of Dugland, I left the excellent tracks undertaking a trackless descent to reach a track skirting below Windy Standard. On reaching this skirting track, I followed it to just below Keoch Rig.

Onto the track below Dugland:

The ascent of Keoch Rig was also trackless and somewhat messy due to the current erection of new wind turbines. The Southern Uplands are currently being destroyed with windfarm after windfarm and the associated mess of tracks that goes with them. These are really not my favourite hills.

On the track below Keoch Rig:

The summit of Keoch Rig is featureless and very uninspiring.

At the summit of Keoch Rig:

From the summit of Keoch Rig, I next made my way to Windy Standard with a small diversion to see the Deil's Putting Stone. This erratic boulder was perhaps the most interesting feature of the day and even it wasn't very interesting.

The Deil's Putting Stone:

Looking back to Keoch Rig:

I again met up with Kate just below the summit of Windy Standard from where we made our way to the summit.

At the summit of Windy Standard:

From the summit of Windy Standard I opted to take a much more direct route back to the car via some windfarm tracks not marked on my map. We were soon back above the Afton Reservoir and onto the track we had ascended earlier in the day.

Afton Reservoir:

Final descent to car:

It was great to get back to the car given various aches and pains from current injuries. I most definitely won't be reascending Windy Standard again in the future. Thanks to Kate for driving and company.