Hills: Little Man, Skiddaw and Lonscale Fell
Date: Sunday 22nd August 2021
Company: Myself and Ann-Marie
Distance: 12.5km, Ascent: 753m
Time: 3Hrs 30Mins

We set off this morning to ascend Lonscale Fell but extended the walk to also include Skiddaw and Little Man. I last ascended Skiddaw and Little Man in 2012. I had not ascended Lonscale Fell previously.

Click here to see a map of the route undertaken

From the car park, which is used for ascending Latrigg as well as Skiddaw, we followed the excellent track towards Skiddaw.

Monument near car park:

As we gained height we got increasingly good views down to Keswick and Derwent Water.

Keswick and Derwent Water:

As we both currently have injuries, we took our time taking care not to aggrevate them.

The path leading towards Skiddaw was so good, we opted to ascend Skiddaw via Little Man first before heading out to Lonscale Fell during the return.

Skiddaw Little Man:

At the summit of Skiddaw Little Man:

Given Skiddaw is one of only several >3000ft peaks in England, it was not as busy as expected.


On reaching the summit we stopped briefly to take a few photographs before I stepped-up a gear to also ascend Lonscale Fell while Ann-Marie returned directly to the car.

At the summit of Skiddaw:

At the summit of Skiddaw:

Looking back to Skiddaw:

As I made my way up Lonscale Fell, I met a couple of lasses who advised that the summit of Lonscale Fell was actually its eastern top. I suspect they were not correct as my OS map suggested the cairn had an extra ring contour and the Database of British Hills suggested the cairn was the summit.

Following the fence out to Lonscale Fell:

Looking back during ascent of Lonscale Fell:

To ensure I definitely visited the summit, I visited both cairns and also the eastern top.

One of two cairns atop Lonscale Fell:

I suspect the eastern top would be a fine viewpoint on a good day. Alas, today was not that good day.

At the eastern top of Lonscale Fell:

From the eastern top, I returned to the main top of Lonscale Fell and then down to the wall. I followed the track leading down alongside a stream which eventually joined the main track used during ascent. As I had stepped-up a gear, I got back to the car only five to ten minutes after Ann-Marie.

A good half-day on the hills.