Thanks to Ann-Marie for picking me up this morning and driving to the Lake District.

I have not been up a hill since September in what has been my longest break from the hills in 25 years. In the summer I was diagnosed with Hallux Limitus - osteoarthritis in my big toes. This had not yet progressed to the stage of stopping me from walking but it did warrant a visit to a podiatrist. The podiatrist provided me with insoles which unfortunately made my feet significantly worse as I now also have extensor tendonitis in four tendons. On top of that, after contracting Covid last month, I currently have "covid toes";  chilblain like sores on several of my toes. To summarise, my feet are currently fecked!

This trip to the Lakes was booked several months back and if I had been able to cancel the trip I would have done so. As I could not cancel without losing full payment, we opted to visit and see how I would manage.

On arriving in the Lakes this morning, we therefore started with an easy hill and would then do another if the pain was bearable. We started off with an ascent of Raven Crag.

On checking the MetOffice forecast this morning prior to leaving at 4.45, the forecast looked good with sunshine forecast until 15:00. The MetOffice forecast was in fact b*****ks.

Hill: Raven Crag
Date: Monday 26th December 2022
Company: Myself and Ann-Marie
Distance: 2.7km, Ascent: 270m
Time: 1Hr 5Mins


Start of path from road:

Raven Crag is well-named as during the ascent and descent we heard and saw several Ravens.

Raven Crag:

There was more snow on the hills than expected.


Ascent through the forest:

Looking up to Raven Crag:

Snowy track:

The view from the summit was not bad considering the weather. I suspect this would be a great viewpoint on a good day.

Thirlmere from the summit of Raven Crag:

At the summit of Raven Crag:


From the summit we returned back to the car initially following the same route but then taking one of the wider, less-steep tracks in descent.

Raven Crag:

On returning to the car my feet felt good enough to ascend another fell. We therefore drove round to Whinlatter forest for an ascent of Whinlatter.

Hill: Whinlatter
Date: Monday 26th December 2022
Company: Myself and Ann-Marie
Distance: 5.5km, Ascent: 235m
Time: 1Hr 10Mins


The ascent of Whinlatter was straight-forward initially via wide tracks. During the ascent we passed a couple of tree carvings, one of a squirrel and another of the Gruffalo.

Squirrel carving:

Track through forest:


We soon exited the forest via a gate and then ascended alongside the treeline to reach a wide ridge leading towards the summit of Whinlatter.

Gate leading to ascent route alongside trees:

Ascent alongside the treeline:

Looking across to Grisdale Pike:

The Wainwright summit lies several hundred metres beyond the actual summit. We visited both the actual summit and the Wainwright summit.

At the summit of Whinlatter:

Looking towards the Wainwright top from the summit of Whinlatter:

At the Wainwright top of Whinlatter:

From the Wainwright summit, we returned to the car via the same route.

View towards Keswick:

An enjoyable couple of small fells. GREAT to be back on the hills.