Hills: Causey Pike, Scar Crags, Sail, Crag Hill
Date: Monday 2nd January 2023
Company: Myself and Ann-Marie
Distance: 15.1km, Ascent: 865m
Time: 4Hrs 40Mins

After a week of relentless heavy rain, strong wind and cloud, on the final day of our trip to the Lakes the weather flipped offering-up wall-to-wall blue sky and negligible wind. I often advise, "on a good day do good hills", today was a great day so an ascent of a great hill i.e. Causey Pike (or as described by Hannah on Twitter, "the hill with the distinctive nob" ) was chosen along with its neighbours Scar Crags, Sail and Crag Hill (Eel Crag).

For this walk we parked in the small car park above Braithwaite on the Whinlatter Forest road, which is free-of-charge. We got the last available space .


From the car park, we descended to Braithwaite and then followed the road next to the Braithwaite Village Shop back uphill. On reaching the end of the public road, we followed the excellent track beyond leading to Stile End.

Braithwaite Village Shop:

Before long we were getting stupendous views back towards the Skiddaw range. I could see the snowline was around 800 metres.

Looking back towards Skiddaw hills during initial ascent:

During the ascent, via the excellent track leading towards Stile End, we could see Causey Pike appearing between Barrow and Outerside.

Causey Pike in the gap between Barrow and Outerside:

I enjoyed seeing Grisedale Pike again which I ascended in 2021 during a summer trip to the Lakes. Grisedale Pike is a fantastic hill.

Grisedale Pike:

Looking back to the Skiddaw range:

On reaching Stile End we initially followed the track leading to the col between Scar Crags and Sail. However, instead of following this track to its end and then having to double-back we left the main track to follow a faint path directly up Causey Pike.

Causey Pike from Stile End:

View during steep ascent of Causey Pike:

Before long we were onto the ridge which we followed out to the summit of Causey Pike.

Onto the ridge leading to the summit of Causey Pike:

The summit of Causey Pike is a wonderful viewpoint.

Beautiful view from the summit of Causey Pike:

From the summit of Causey Pike we commenced our walk along the ridge leading out to Scar Crags, Sail and Crag Hill (Eel Crag).

Heading from Causey Pike towards Scar Crags:

Scar Crags:

It didn't take long to reach the summit of Scar Crags.

At the summit of Scar Crags:

On our descent from Scar Crags, I was astonished to see an excellent quality but highly visible, intrusive track zig-zagging up Sail. Surely such tracks can be designed to blend-in better with the hillside. This track is an eyesore.

Zig-zagging track up Sail:

Looking back during ascent of Sail:

On reaching the summit of Sail we stopped briefly for a drink before continuing-on towards our fourth and final Wainwright of the walk, Crag Hill.

At the summit of Sail:

Long shadows atop Sail:

During the ascent of Crag Hill, we passed above the snowline which was as expected around 800 metres.

Crag Hill:

Ann-Marie ascending Crag Hill:

On reaching the summit area, we visited the cairn, the trig point and the area suggested by the Database of British hills as being the summit (featureless ground).

Atop Crag Hill:

At the trig point atop Crag Hill:

We then took the easy descent route initially to the col between Crag Hill and Grasmoor and then to Coledale Hause.

Descent from Crag Hill to col below Grasmoor:

From Coledale Hause, we took the track leading down to Force Crag Mine.

Onto the track leading towards Force Crag mine:

This was the worst track of the day - erosion prevention by throwing lots of stones onto the track which is unpleasant to walk on.

Force Crag and mine:

On reaching the Force Crag mine area, we crossed Coledale Beck using the large stepping stones before following the excellent track leading back directly to the small car park above Braithwaite. Having visited the mine and waterfall twice previously in the past eighteen months, on this occasion we did not have a closer look at the mine workings.

Looking back towards Crag Hill:

Walk out from Force Crag mine towards Braithwaite:


Circa 4.5hrs after setting-off we were back in the car park and getting prepared for the six-hour journey home. As Ann-Marie is currently driving, I have written-up this report from the passenger seat saving me from having to do so when I get home.

A fantastic walk in fantastic weather!

So what are my plans for 2023?

Injuries and health permitting, I hope to chip-away at my 11 remaining 2nd round Munros, 38 remaining Munro Tops and return to the Lakes for my remaining 69 Wainwrights.

Happy New Year .