Hills: Beinn Sgritheall and Beinn Sgritheall NW Top
Date: Friday 11th August 2023
Company: Just myself
Distance: 10.2km, Ascent: 1190m
Time: 5Hrs 10Mins

During my first round of Munros, I completely disregarded the Munro Tops albeit I ascended just under one hundred of them enroute to Munro summits. Ten years ago, I decided to attempt a round of Munro Tops along with a second round of Munros. As I last ascended Beinn Sgritheall thirteen years ago, I had twice missed out its Munro Top. I therefore set out for a third ascent of Beinn Sgritheall but this time also taking in its NW Top.

I drove to Arnisdale parking c.100m east of the start of the hill path.


While there is currently only roadside parking in Arnisdale, it looks like a small car park is under construction near the start of the hill path.

Roadside parking in Arnisdale:

The start of the hill path is currently waymarked by three signs making it very difficult to miss the start of the track .

One of several signs waymarking the start of the Beinn Sgritheall path:

The initial section of the walk is through woodland. Today it was wet underfoot with bracken encroaching onto the path in numerous places. I used one of my walking poles to thrash the bracken during the ascent getting rid of some of it off the path. Having a machete or light sabre would have been better.

Initial ascent:

The ascent became more 'enjoyable', possibly not the best choice of words given the steepness, once beyond the wooded area. During the steep ascent, you do pass several small waterfalls.

The first of several small waterfalls:

In good weather, Beinn Sgritheall provides outstanding views across to Beinn na Caillich, Ladhar Bheinn and Luinne Bheinn, in Knoydart. I last ascended Ladhar Bheinn and Luinne Bheinn only three weeks previous to this walk. In not so good weather, as was the case today, views were somewhat limited.

Looking back to Arnisdale and Loch Hourn:

At a height of c.360m there is a short flat section leading towards the waterfall in the next photo. This provides a brief period of respite from an otherwise relentlessly steep ascent.

Another waterfall:

On reaching the bealach, the ascent becomes even steeper. There would appear to be a number of potential routes up with traces of path here and there. My route of ascent was mostly via steep grass whereas my descent route was almost all scree.

Bealach Arnisdail:

Ascent from Bealach Arnisdail towards 906m top:

Approaching the summit of the 906m top:

It was nice to get some fleeting views from the 906m top as the summit was engulfed in cloud.

Fleeting view down to Loch Hourn from the 906m top:

Loch Hourn:

There is a short section of narrow ridge enroute to the summit which required particular care today given gale force winds.

Short narrow section of ridge enroute to the summit:

From my previous ascent I did recall there being two trig points at the summit but I recalled only one being broken, not both.

At the summit of Beinn Sgritheall:

From the summit, I took a bearing then commenced an out and back to the NW Top, the Munro Top that I has missed twice previously.

Stony descent towards NW Top:

Beinn Sgritheall NW Top:

Views from the summit of the Munro Top were also limited thanks to low cloud.

At the summit of Beinn Sgritheall NW Top:

From the Munro Top, I returned to the 906m top from where I returned to Arnisdale.

Heading back to the 906m top:

Rain showers:

I descended via the line of light-cloured scree seen in the next photograph. I would be lying if I said it was pleasant. In hindsight, I wished I had returned to the bealach via my route of ascent.

Looking back at scree descent:

As is often the case when hillwalking, the weather started to improve and the views got better during the descent.

Improving weather:

Loch Hourn:

Knees sore but thank you:

By the time I reached the road, Beinn Sgritheall was almost clear of cloud and the sky was now blue .

Beinn Sgritheall now clear of cloud:

Having a van parked at the bottom was great in that I could immediately get changed out of my wet clothes, have a wash, and have some food and coffee.

Hill then chill: