It was not my intention to ascend hills today, and it was not my intention to go on a road trip, but on waking at 2.30am, instead of trying to fall back asleep, I got up, packed my van and drove from home to Musselburgh in the hope of seeing the Sei Whale that has been in the Forth for the past five days.

After scanning the Forth with my binoculars and scope for three full hours, without success, I decided to come up with a Plan B. I therefore looked at my website to find my nearest unclimbed Marilyn and then drove to Cloich for an ascent of Wether Law.

Hill: Wether Law
Date: Friday 17th November 2023
Company: Just myself
Distance: 9km, Ascent: 240m
Time: 2Hrs 5Mins


Starting point:

Once suited and booted, I commenced walking along the unsurfaced track leading towards the Don Coyote Outdoor Centre. I had no idea what kind of outdoor centre this is, so looked it up on return to the van. The Don Coyote Outdoor Centre apparently offers .22 rifle shooting, clay pigeon shooting & archery days for team building days and stag and hen parties.

Track leading to the Don Coyote Outdoor Centre:

A short distance before reaching the "Outdoor Centre" I took a left turn onto the track leading towards the Cloich Hills and Wether Law.

Track leading towards Cloich Hills:

As I progressed along this track, listening to several Ravens, I passed a small quarry.

Small quarry:

I then reached a slight clearing from which there are at least two firebreaks. The first firebreak I looked at was so wet underfoot, I had a look at the second firebreak. Despite also being wet underfoot, it was not as bad as the first firebreak. I then traversed the firebreak trying to keep my feet dry on doing so.

Start of firebreaks:



Exiting the firebreak:

Beyond the firebreak there is a stone dyke with barbed wire on top and immediately behind a new barbed wire fence. The best place to cross is directly in front of the firebreak where there is a wooden section without barbed wire.

Where to cross the dyke and fence:

Beyond the dyke and fence the terrain leading to the summit was also wet underfoot with many tussocks.

Looking back to Cloich Hills forest:

On reaching the summit I took a few photos before returning the same way.

At the summit of Wether Law:

At the summit of Wether Law:

At the summit of Wether Law:

On the way back to the dyke and fence, I passed around 10-12 pieces of Star Jelly. Instead of explaining what it is, here's a link.

Star Jelly:

It was nice to get back to the van. I don't think I'll be rushing back to ascend Wether Law a second time .