With yet another weekend of gale force winds and incessant rain forecast in Scotland, we decided to head south to walk in the Lake District where the forecast was still not fantastic but not quite as bad as back home. If I ever hope to complete the Wainwrights, I must keep chipping-away at them, therefore any offer of a lift to the Lakes from home, a six hour journey, is most welcome and much appreciated. Thanks to my friend Ann-Marie for offering to drive on this trip .

The last fell I ascended in the Lake District, on 31st December 2023, was Castle Crag. Today, we would be ascending the fells directly opposite Castle Crag, Grange Fell [Brund Fell] and Great Crag.

For this walk, we parked in the small free car park that I had also used to ascend Castle Crag. Borrowdale is one of my favourite areas in the Lakes.

Hills: Grange Fell (Brund Fell) and Great Crag
Date: Friday 2nd February 2024
Company: Myself and Ann-Marie
Distance: 7.5km, Ascent: 460m
Time: 2Hrs 50Mins


From the small car park, we followed the path ascending from the rear of the car park, waymarked 'Resting Stone 1/2 mile'.

Start of track from small car park off the B5289:

The walk up through Frith Wood was pleasant with the weather initially better than forecast.

Initial track up through Frith Wood:

Once out of the lovely oak wood, we continued to follow a grassy track leading towards the summit of Grange Fell [Brund Fell].

Ascent towards Brund Fell:

Ann-Marie ascending Brund Fell:

The ascent was straight-forward and didn't take long.

Ascending Brund Fell:

On approaching the summit area, I could see there were several potential summits. I looked up the Database of British Hills which suggested the summit was a rock tor with a cairn. We visited all the potential summits.

Approaching the summit area:

One of several high-points on Brund Fell:

After ensuring we had ascended every potential summit, we continued our walk out towards Great Crag.

Heading for Great Crag:

As we made our way towards Great Crag we reached an old sign requesting to please follow the waymarked route to avoid damage to the wetland area. We followed the advice sticking to the waymarked route.

Old sign advising to stick to the waymarked route:

Following the waymarked route was beneficial as this led us onto a well-constructed path through the wetland.

Heading for Great Crag:

Great Crag:

On reaching the summit area we visited the twin summits of Great Crag each of which have a cairn.

At the first of two potential summits:

At the second of two potential summits:

We then had a choice to continue-on undertaking a circuit, or return back via our inbound route. We opted for the latter given it was raining and the visibility was poor.

View towards Watendlath:

We returned via our inbound route until reaching the good track which runs between our starting point in Borrowdale and the Watendlath car park. On reaching this good track, we followed it back to our starting point instead of again ascending Grange Fell [Brund Fell].

Descent towards Borrowdale:


Descent back towards the starting point:

Despite the weather not being fantastic, it was great to get back out on the hills. I wish this recent spell of bad weather would do one such that I can again start chipping-away at my 29 remaining Munro Tops .