I wasn't planning to ascend any hills yesterday given the sub-optimal forecast of 50mph winds and rain. However, on waking-up at 4am, and knowing I was unlikely to fall back asleep, I got up, packed my camera gear and walking gear, and drove >200 Miles from home to Kilwinning, North Ayrshire, to see a mega-rare Myrtle Warbler. During the four hour drive, I was really hoping it would still be there on arrival. It was .

Myrtle Warbler:

Myrtle Warbler:

After taking some photos of the Myrtle Warbler, I drove on to South Ayrshire to ascend Grey Hill, a Marilyn I had planned to ascend in June 2016 while in the area to ascend Ailsa Craig but had to abandon my ascent due to tearing the meniscus in my knee, an injury that took several years to heal.

Having done zero research online regarding a route for Grey Hill, I simply parked on finding a space before commencing an ascent. There may well be easier routes than this one which did involve climbing over two barbed-wire fences.

Hill: Grey Hill
Date: Saturday 9th March 2024
Company: Just myself
Distance: 3.3km, Ascent: 185m
Time: 1Hr

I parked at the start of a track leading to Knocklaugh where there is room for one car.


I then climbed over a fence and began my ascent.

Looking back to starting point:

Within minutes, I reached an ATV track which I followed towards Grey Hill. I suspect if you were to walk a short distance along the road you would find the start of the ATV track and avoid having to climb over the fence.

Following ATV track towards Grey Hill:

Grey Hill:

I soon reached a dyke and barbed-wire fence. Instead of using a gate that I noticed a couple of hundred metres away in the opposite direction, I decided to follow the fence hoping to find another gate nearer the hill. Alas, there was no other gate which meant I had to climb over the dyke and barbed-wire fence. On doing so, I decided I am getting too old for climbing barbed-wire fences!

Following the fenceline:

Beyond the fence I made my way up through long grass then short heather towards the summit.

Grey Hill:

On reaching the ridgeline, I could just make out Ailsa Craig, a wonderful island that I visited on my previous trip to South Ayrshire.

Ailsa Craig just visible through the haze:

Approaching the summit of Grey Hill:

On reaching the summit, I stopped long enough to take a few photos before returning back. Despite being below 300m, it was very windy up top.

View towards Girvan from the summit of Grey Hill:

At the summit trig point:

From the summit, I decided to continue a short distance along the ridge and then descend towards the gate in order to avoid having to again climb over the barbed-wire fence. While this plan was good in theory, I had to climb over another barbed-wire fence en-route to the gate .

Looking back to Grey Hill from gate:

Descent to starting point:

After ascending Grey Hill, I set off towards home hoping to ascend another Marilyn near Stirling on the way back. However, by the time I reached Stirling, the wind was even stronger, it was raining and the hills were capped in cloud, so that one can wait for another day.