Hill: Steel Knotts (Pikeawassa)
Date: Friday 16th August 2024
Company: Myself and Ann-Marie
Distance: 1.8km, Ascent: 220m
Time: 42Mins

Apologies. It's been nearly six months since I have been up a hill of any kind. This has not been due to lack of desire to ascend hills but due to ongoing health issues.

During the past few years, I have been suffering with increasingly painful osteoarthritis in my toes. On top of that, during the past few months, I have developed gout and have since been experiencing flare after flare. To say gout is painful, is an understatement.

Having already booked this trip to the Lakes, I decided to attempt to ascend two small Wainwrights today despite again being in the midst of another gout flare. Alas, I only managed one .

Unless I begin to see some improvement, from taking Allopurinol, I am wondering if I will soon have ascended my final hill; hillwalking is not enjoyable when every step is painful.

Our ascent of Steel Knott's today was via the standard short route starting from the Old Church of St Martin's in Martindale.


Old Church of St Martin's:

From the Old Church, we ascended the grassy track until reaching a stone wall with a gate.

Ascending Steel Knotts:

Looking across to Beda Head:

Looking back to Martindale:

Ascending Steel Knotts:


On reaching the gate, we then ascended a brief short section to gain the ridge of Steel Knotts. It is possible to avoid the short, steep section by going through the gate and continuing on a short distance before doubling back.

Once onto the ridge, it was a short walk to reach the summit.

Steel Knotts:

Ullswater from the summit of Steel Knotts:

The summit is a low rock tor.

Steel Knotts summit rock:

From the summit, we returned via our route of ascent back to the car.

Descent back to Martindale:

It had been my intention to also ascend Beda Head but this was abandoned. It was a relief to reach the car.